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[App] AirLinkNow-帮助您立即启动Air Link!









发表于 2021-4-23 15:23:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

由于[color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]/ u / 99spider和 [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]/ u / wescotte的辛勤工作,现在可以在Oculus启用之前启用Air Link!您可以[color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]在这里找到他们的原创作品。
我创建了一个应用程序,可让您直接从Oculus Quest 1或2头戴式耳机内启动Air Link ...无需费心ADB来启动它!

  • 确保您的Quest 1或2和PC都在运行v28软件

  • 您已从[color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]/ u / 99spider的“ Program Files \ Oculus \ Support \ oculus-client \ resources”中安装了[color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]修改后的app.asar文件(原始来源:[color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]https : [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]//www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/ mw8lki / i_got_air_link_working_for_real /
  • 您会在Oculus Rift PC应用程序的“设置-> Beta”下看到“空中链接”作为可用选项
  • 您已经设置了ADB,并且可以在命令行中使用它。(如果已经安装并设置了SideQuest,则已经设置了ADB)

  • 亚行安装-r -g AirLinkNow.apk

  • 将APK文件拖放到SideQuest中

  • 在您的PC上启动Oculus Rift应用。
  • 在Oculus Rift应用中的“设置”->“测试版”下启用“空中链接”。
  • 键入您的PC的IP地址。(请勿按键盘上的“完成”按钮-这会在其中插入空格并将其弄乱!)
  • 单击“扫描”按钮以扫描Air Link端口。
  • 点击“启动空中链接”。

该应用程序将保留您最后输入的IP和端口。请注意,每次您在Oculus Rift应用程序中切换Air Link功能时,端口号都会更改-发生这种情况时,只需再次单击“扫描”即可。
但是请注意,端口扫描功能并非万无一失:如果您PC上的另一个应用程序正在侦听与Air Link相同的端口范围,则可能会误判该端口。最好的缓解方法是禁用该冲突的应用程序。但是,如果无法实现,请参考下面的“故障排除”部分,以手动找到正确的端口。
截图: [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]https:[color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]//i.imgur.com/tdZTl6q.jpg
APK下载: [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]AirLinkNow.apk
#Edit:这也适用于Quest 1!在这里[color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]/ u / Shorties确认:[color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]https : [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]//www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/mw8lki/i_got_air_link_working_for_real/gvidtbf/
#Update:v2.0.0:添加了端口扫描功能。现在,您只需键入PC的IP,然后单击“扫描”,它将为Air Link找到正确的端口!还添加了“退出”按钮,可以更轻松地退出该应用程序。
  • “我知道IP和端口正确,但是它已连接,显示3个点,然后断开连接”-尝试禁用Oculus调试工具中设置的任何自定义设置(例如自定义比特率)。并确保您的防火墙没有阻塞任何东西。
  • “端口扫描程序填充了错误的端口”-如果您的PC上有另一个应用程序在与Air Link相同的端口范围内监听,则可能会发生这种情况。最好的缓解方法是禁用该冲突的应用程序。但是,如果不可能,请按照以下步骤手动找到正确的端口:

  • 在Oculus Rift PC应用程序中禁用Air Link。
  • 打开资源监视器,然后打开“网络”选项卡
  • 在Oculus Rift PC应用中启用Air Link。
  • 在列表中找到“ OVRServer_x64.exe”,然后进行检查。
  • 在“侦听”部分下查找要使用的正确端口。
  • 在应用程序中填写该端口。

[color=var(--posttitletextcolor)][App]AirLinkNow - Helps you launch Air Link NOW!

Wireless PC Streaming/Oculus Link

Thanks to hard work from [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]/u/99spider, [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]/u/wescotte, it is now possible to enable Air Link before Oculus enables it! You can find their original work [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]here.
I have created an app that lets you launch Air Link directly from within the Oculus Quest 1 or 2 headset...no need to keep fiddling with ADB to launch it!
Before you install this app, please make sure you've completed the following:
  • make sure both your Quest 1 or 2 and your PC are running v28 software
  • you've installed the [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]modified app.asar file from [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]/u/99spider in "Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-client\resources" (original source: [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/mw8lki/i_got_air_link_working_for_real/)
  • you see "Air Link" as an available option under "Settings -> Beta" in the Oculus Rift PC app
  • you have ADB set up and available in your command line. (If you have SideQuest installed and set up, you already have ADB set up)

How to install and use the app
How to install the APK:
  • adb install -r -g AirLinkNow.apk

  • Drag and drop the APK file into SideQuest

You can then launch the app from your apps collection, make sure to select "Unknown sources" to show the app. After opening the app,
  • Launch the Oculus Rift app on your PC.
  • Enable "Air Link" in the Oculus Rift App under Settings -> Beta.
  • Type in the IP address of your PC. (Do NOT press the "Done" button on the keyboard - this will insert a space character in there and mess it up!)
  • Click the "Scan" button to scan for the Air Link port.
  • Click "Launch Air Link".

This app will preserve your last entered IP and port. Please note that the port number changes every time you toggle the Air Link feature in the Oculus Rift app - when this happens, simply click "Scan" again.
Note however that the port-scanning feature is not fool-proof: if another app on your PC is listening on the same port range as Air Link, it could get picked up as a false positive. Best mitigation would be to disable that conflicting app. However, if that's not possible, please refer to the troubleshooting section below to manually find the correct port.
Screenshot: [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]https://i.imgur.com/tdZTl6q.jpg
APK Download: [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]AirLinkNow.apk
#Edit: this is working on Quest 1 as well! Confirmed by [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]/u/Shorties here: [color=var(--newCommunityTheme-linkText)]https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/mw8lki/i_got_air_link_working_for_real/gvidtbf/
#Update: v2.0.0: Added port scan feature. Now you can simply type in your PC's IP, and then click "Scan" and it will find the correct port for Air Link! Also added a "quit" button to make it easier to quit the app.
  • "I know the IP and port are correct, but it connects, shows 3 dots, then disconnects" - Try disabling any custom settings set in the Oculus Debug Tool (such as custom bitrate). And make sure your firewall isn't blocking anything.
  • "Port scanner fills in wrong port" - This can happen if you have another app on your PC listening in the same port range as Air Link. Best mitigation would be to disable that conflicting app. However, if that's not possible, follow these steps to find the correct port manually:

  • Disable Air Link in the Oculus Rift PC app.
  • Open Resource Monitor and open the Network tab
  • Enable Air Link in the Oculus Rift PC app.
  • Find "OVRServer_x64.exe" in the list, and check it.
  • Look under the "Listening" section for the right port to use.
  • Fill in that port in the app.


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