john.r79 发表于 2023-1-27 05:00:32

自动游戏安装程序Quest Auto Game Installer

本帖最后由 john.r79 于 2023-7-17 04:31 编辑

Quest Auto Game Installer

I thought i may as well share this script i have edited to how i want it as it makes life so much easier than patched sidequest and some other software.

The installer will install both your apk + obb files without you having to manually copy any files to your headset.

It is basically a 1 click installer
If you do not have platform tools in the directory i have set in the installer it will download the latest version from google and extract to %USERNAME%/documents/platform- tools
the installer will then install your apk + obb files for you after the first run it will auto install your games without any input from you unless there is an error.


File Structure Must Be Maintained See Screenshot Below

Quest Automated Game Installer

I thought I might as well share this script I edited since it's easier than patched side quests and some other software.

The installer will install your apk + obb files without manually copying any files to the headset.

It's basically a one-click installer.
If you don't have platform-tools in the directory you set in the installer, it will download the latest version from Google and extract it to % username%/Documents/platform-tools
, and the installer will be in Installs the apk + obb files for you after one run, and unless something goes wrong, it will automatically install your game without any input from you.

Download task auto

The file structure must be maintained, see screenshot below

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查看完整版本: 自动游戏安装程序Quest Auto Game Installer